Pricing & Details

Pricing and detailed specifications are available after completing your free registration. Subscribe online at any time. All subscriptions are prorated based on the number of events remaining in the current year.

Accuracy Monitoring

These innovative programs are designed to supplement routine proficiency testing by providing an effective way to evaluate the accuracy of key clinical tests. Each program features high quality human samples with reference values assigned by credentialed reference method or gravimetrically. Online data submission is simple and reports are generated in real-time, giving participants the peace-of mind that comes from knowing that results are not just consistent, but correct.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human whole blood


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of glycated hemoglobin testing for the diagnosis and management of diabetes. Samples are fresh human whole blood – the only matrix documented to be commutable. Reference values are assigned at clinically significant cut-points by the IFCC/DCCT methods that underpin the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP).

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on three biologically derived total error performance limits – minimal, desirable and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (1 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Monitor accuracy of creatinine measurements and eGFR reporting in adults. Samples have age-appropriate creatinine concentrations at clinically significant levels for the diagnosis of early-stage kidney disease. Case studies are also included for eGFR calculations, using the CKD-EPI equation as recommended by KDIGO.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on three biologically derived total error performance limits – minimal, desirable and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:6 events x 6 samples

2024 Events:Jan 24 Mar 20 May 15 Jul 10 Aug 21 Nov 6

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:Simulated human stool


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Monitor Fecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) hemoglobin measurements. Cassettes A, B, C are directly injected with spiking concentrate having known concentrations of free hemoglobin. Cassettes D, E and F are preloaded with a simulated human stool matrix having known concentrations of free hemoglobin (μg/g).

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed relative to the assigned target value using three total error performance limits. Target values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:2 events x 3 samples (1 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


This program was developed to monitor the accuracy of L-Lactate testing (fetal scalp lactate) for the evaluation of fetal distress. Samples are human serum containing L-lactate to ensure commutability. L-lactate concentrations cover the clinical range of interest for fetal samples with targets assigned by enzymatic analytical method.

Performance Criteria

Participants assessed relative to pre-set total error limits – minimal, desirable, and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.7 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of enzyme measurements that are used for assessing liver function. Samples are 100% human serum augmented with purified liver enzymes of human origin. Target values have been assigned by IFCC reference methods for ALKP, ALT, AST and GGT.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on three biologically derived total error performance limits – minimal, desirable and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (1.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of lipid measurements for cardiovascular risk assessment. Samples are 100% ‘off the clot’ human serum collected from normal and dyslipidemic donors and processed in accordance with CLSI C37-A. Target values for total, LDL and HDL cholesterol are assigned by reference methods that are traceable to the CDC through CEQAL, a member of the Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network (CRLMN). Details for other analytes can be found below.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on three biologically derived total error performance limits – minimal, desirable and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission with the exception of Lp(a), which is available at the conclusion of each event.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 5 samples (0.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of total and direct bilirubin testing for the diagnosis and management of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Samples are human serum containing human bilirubin conjugates to ensure commutability. Total and direct bilirubin concentrations cover the clinical range of interest with targets assigned by credentialed reference method.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on pre-set total error performance limits – minimal, desirable and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:2 events x 6 samples (1.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Obtain formal documentation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirming the accuracy of your test results for total cholesterol. Samples are 100% ‘off the clot’ human serum collected from normal and dyslipidemic donors and processed in accordance with CLSI C37-A. Reference values are traceable to the CDC through CEQAL, a member of the Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network (CRLMN).

Performance Criteria

Laboratories are evaluated based on a direct comparison of their measurements with those obtained by CEQAL, using the Abell-Kendall reference method. Performance limits for bias, precision and method outliers are defined by the CDC.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform. Laboratories that meet the CDC requirements are issued a dated “Certificate of Traceability” stating that the analytical system has demonstrated traceability to the NRS/CHOL. Certificates are valid for six months.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (2 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Check the accuracy of therapeutic drug measurements against known concentrations in human serum. Target values are assigned using gravimetric additions of each drug in its pure form. This method of analysis ensures traceability to a defined base of reference.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed relative to gravimetric target values. Performance is expressed as a percentage (%) bias to the known concentration of the added drug.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of testosterone measurements used for investigating infertility, testicular tumors, hypothalamus and pituitary disorders. Samples are 100% ‘off-the-clot’ human serum collected from healthy donors in accordance with CLSI C37-A. Target values have been assigned by the ID-HPLC-MS/MS Testosterone reference method.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on three biologically derived total error performance limits – minimal, desirable and optimal. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and will be displayed on Youden plots at the close of the test event. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide performance.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of free thyroid hormones measurement used for evaluating thyroid function and diagnosing thyroid disorders. Targets are assigned by equilibrium dialysis, LC/MS-MS.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed relative to the assigned target value using three total error performance limits. Target values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human urine


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of urine albumin measurements and the albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) used to diagnose early-stage kidney disease. Samples are human urine gravimetrically supplemented with purified human albumin to achieve clinically relevant concentrations.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed relative to the assigned reference value using three total error performance limits. Reference values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.5 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human serum


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Confirm accuracy of vitamin D (25-hydroxy-vitamin D) measurements used in identifying Vitamin D deficiency. Samples are 100% ‘off the clot’ human serum collected from healthy donors in accordance with CLSI C37-A. Target values have been assigned by the ID-HPLC-MS/MS Vitamin D reference method.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed relative to the assigned target value using three total error performance limits. Target values are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and displayed on dynamically generated Youden plots. These plots show lab, network, and region-wide accuracy.

EQA for POC Devices

CEQAL collaborates directly with POCT device manufacturers to design and implement customized EQA programs. These programs help ensure that test results generated in the field are consistent and traceable to a central lab. They are tailor-made to the requirements of a given test and use the same high quality samples found in our accuracy programs. Target values are set to challenge operators at the most clinically significant levels and performance is evaluated within the peer group at the end of each event, using customized online reporting tools. Contact us for more information on these exclusive programs or if you wish to create your own.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.7 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human heparinized plasma


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


Designed specifically for the Roche cobas h 232 POC system, this EQA program from CEQAL features three human samples for the quantitative monitoring of cardiac biomarkers. It is ideally suited for overseeing remote testing sites and confirming traceability of test results to a central lab.

Performance Criteria

Participants assessed relative to pre-set total error limits – minimal, desirable, and optimal.

Analysis & Reports

Results submitted through the CEQAL online system and displayed on Youden plots at the end of each event.

Format:3 events x 3 samples (0.1 mL)

2025 Events:TBD

Event window:8 days

Sample matrix:100% human plasma (heat-inactivated)


Select an analyte to see how reference values are assigned.


This program was developed in collaboration with bioLytical Laboratories to specifically monitor the accuracy of interpretation of their rapid INSTI HIV-1 / HIV-2 point-of-care test. Samples have been customized with known amounts of the IgG antibody with particular emphasis at the ‘weak-positive’ level where false negatives are most likely to occur.

Performance Criteria

Participants are assessed based on the accuracy of reported results (i.e. non-reactive, reactive) relative to the presence of HIV-1 / HIV-2 antibody in each sample. Correct interpretations are revealed automatically at the time of submission.

Analysis & Reports

Results are submitted online through CEQAL’s secure web platform and tallied in real time. Participants can compare their answers to the correct interpretations and see the performance of other labs within their network.

> Get pricing and detailed specifications